So this blog I am writing is about why some of us who experience astral projection see everything green and holographic.
You may have only experienced this a couple of times or for some of you maybe this is all you see when you exit the body.
I am writing this to tell you that what you are seeing is actually a plane of existence which is here on the earth called the Matrix.
The Matrix as we know is a dimension of illusion. The reason that some of us will see this when exploring the astral plane is because we live in the Matrix. We are being shown this energy because it is something we dip our toes into everyday, some of us only know this matrix. On the matrix I saw holographic reptilian humanoids and spirits who seemed pretty confused and lost. I believe that the reptilians can only explore the matrix and the souls in the matrix are kind of trapped because during their waking life the matrix was all they knew and they never saw past that plane of existence.
This shows me that the reptilian entities can only do their work in the Matrix, the same as the lost spirits. So if they can only work with the Matrix what does this mean?
So entities that work with the Matrix can only go by the Matrix rules. The matrix is an ilusory dimension. So if it is an illusion guess what these entities can create? Yes, Illusions. In fact they cannot create these can only twist our reality and deceive us in twisting and manipulating our reality. They can telepathically send us thoughts and give us a perception on reality. However, if your aware of their doings you do not need to be hatmed by them.