We all have spiritual powers, we were born with these powers. We just wasn't taught how to recognise or use these. Here I have written some spiritual powers you have and can tap into.We all have one thing we are more in tune with and the rest come along as you further you spiritual development.
đClairvoyance - people who see the sprit world through their vision (third eye). Artists painters those who can draw etc are close to this. Also the dreamers people who day dream all day
Clairaudience - those who can hear spirit. Musicians have a natural gift for this.
Clairsentience - these are empaths. They can communicate with spirit and tap into their psyche through what they feel inside or on their body.
Claircognizance - The all knowing this is psychic awareness. Its not a message you receive in any symbol or sound it is just knowing with no reason at all. Scorpio's are very in tune with power.
Clairvoyance. (clear seeing)
Claircognizance. (clear knowing)
Clairaudience. (clear hearing)
Clairempathy. (clear emotional feeling)
Clairgustance. (clear tasting)
Clairsentience. (clear physical feeling)
Clairtangency. (clear touching)
Clairsalience. (clear smelling)